How to Become a Green Beret in National Guard
18X / “Try One” Contract
The road to becoming a Green Beret in the National Guard is an arduous one. Civilians should sign an 18X contract, which guarantees the candidate a shot at Special Forces training after completion of Infantry Basic Training (22 weeks), Airborne School (3 weeks), and the Special Forces Preparation Course (6 weeks). And prior service or active duty service members may be eligible for a Try One Contract.
- 20-34 years of age
- No Prior Military Service
- Qualify and volunteer for Airborne Training
- Pass Airborne Physical at MEPS
- U.S. Citizen
- ASVAB GT Score of 110 or higher
- High School Diploma or GED
- Eligible for a SECRET Security clearance
Physical Requirements
Special Forces training is incredibly demanding and candidates should be able to max out the APFT on a bad day.
To advance from the Special Forces Preparation Course (SFPC) to Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), the 18X candidate must meet the minimum standards on the Army Physical Fitness Test, pull ups, 5 mile run, and 12 mile ruck march with 65lbs.
Minimum Scores:
Push Up – 57
Sit Up – 66
2 Mile Run – 14:24
Pull Up – 6
5 Mile Run – 40 minutes
12 Mile Ruck w/65lbs – 3 hours (15 minute mile pace)
Top candidates will have the following fitness scores:
Push Up – 100
Sit up – 80
2 Mile Run – 12:30
Pull Up – 20
5 Mile Run- 35 minutes
12 Mile Ruck w/65lbs – 2 hours 36 minutes (13 minute mile pace)
How Long Does It Take To Become a Green Beret?
The timeline to becoming a Green Beret will vary depending on if you are a civilian signing an 18X contract, cross-training from Active Duty or the National Guard, or commissioning with the goal of becoming a Green Beret Officer.
Regardless of where you start, Special Forces Assessment and Selection is 24 days total, including gate week, land nav week, and team week
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Civilian to Green Beret in the National Guard