The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act is mandating higher minimum standards for the ACFT 4.0 for soldiers in combat roles like infantry, combat engineering, armor, cavalry, and Special Forces. While we don’t have an updated ACFT score chart with standards for 2024, now is the perfect time to pivot your training to ACFT-specific workouts in preparation.
1. Workouts to Improve Trap Bar Deadlift
The trap bar deadlift on the ACFT maxes out at 340 lbs, which is pretty heavy for most men. But there are several variations I’m a huge fan of to improve trap bar deadlift strength.
Deficit Romanian Deadlifts

Deficit romanian deadlifts are pulls where your feet are elevated, usually on bumper plates. This increases your range of motion and increases hip, hamstring, and lower back activation. The additional stretch is crucial for developing the power needed for the initial pull off the ground in the trap bar deadlift.
Workout: 4 sets x 8 reps
Keep your deficit romanian deadlifts light to start off since we’re weaker in deficit deadlifts compared to a conventional technique.
Heavy Barbell Rows
Heavy barbell rows strengthen the upper back, lats, and grip, which are essential for maintaining a solid posture during the deadlift. That improved upper body strength and stability leads to more power and comfort during your initial pull off the ground, where speed is critical.
Workout: 3 sets x 8 – 12 rep
Build up to loading your barbell rows heavy. It’s okay to have some form of breakdown here. The focus is on speed and power.
Trap Bar Deadlift Progression
Workout: 1 set x 3 – 5 reps; 2 – 3 backoff sets x 5 – 8 reps
Do trap bar deadlifts one day per week working up to a heavy 3 – 5 reps, before backing down to a few moderate weight sets of 5 – 8 reps. On a second day, you can perform your deficit Romanian deadlifts and heavy barbell rows. You can view how I program deadlifts in my full weight lifting program.
2. Workouts to Improve Hand-Release Push-Ups

53 hand-release push-ups are required to max out the ACFT. Here are some hand-release push-up workouts.
Weighted Push-Ups
Weighted push-ups are a must-do exercise. They add resistance to allow you to reach muscular failure with fewer reps and build strength in a movement highly specific to the hand-release push-up.
Workout: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
I like to alternate between weighted push-ups with heavy weights – as much as 100lbs, and also paused weight stretch push-ups. The former builds max strength while the latter delivers a massive stretch and range of motion.
Speed Push Ups
“Speed push-ups” develop fast-twitch muscle fibers with the goal of training your max speed and endurance. Set a timer for 30 seconds and hit as many reps as you can. Rest 60 seconds and then repeat for several rounds.
Workout: 3 sets x max reps in 30 seconds, 60 seconds rest
Hand-Release Push-Up Progression
Workout: 4 sets to failure; include one variation set
It is important to remember hand-release push ups are an expression of your fitness. We can build your base of strength and endurance through the exercise variations and then grease the groove with the ACFT technique.
Session one is focused on high-rep sets to failure to build endurance. The second session includes the previously discussed variations – either weighted push-ups or speed push-ups. You can reference my full calisthenics program for special forces.
3. Workouts to Improve Sprint-Drag-Carry

The Sprint-Drag-Carry is a multipurpose event in the ACFT, testing your speed, strength, and endurance.
Here’s how I recommend you tackle it.
Sled Push and Pull
This exercise mimics the drag and carry parts. Load a sled with a challenging weight and push it for a distance, then attach a rope and pull it back towards you. I would do this at the end of your lower body workout.
Workout: 4 sets x 20 meters push, 20 meters pull
Interval Sprints

The Sprint-Drag-Carry is highly demanding from a cardiovascular perspective. A strong aerobic base is required to max the score, and I recommend adding targetted short-distance intervals.
Workout: 6 sets x 100 meters sprint, 2 minutes rest
4. Workouts to Improve Your Plank

You can max the ACFT plank by holding in the position for 3:40. This sounds like a long time, but we can switch up the exercises to build up your abdominals and keep training fresh.
Extended Plank
The first exercise is the extended plank which is more challenging than a traditional plank by extending your arms further than normal
- Workout: 3 sets x hold for 30-60 seconds
- Technique: Start in a normal plank position, then walk your hands forward as far as possible while maintaining a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core and glutes to prevent your hips from sagging.
Toes To Bar or Hanging Leg Raise

For those who are stronger, toes to bar is a fantastic abdominal and grip exercise. If you can hit ten solid toes to bar reps, maxing the plank time will be a breeze.
- Workout: 3 sets x max reps toes to bar into max reps leg raises
- Technique: Hang from the bar with your hands just outside shoulder width and while keeping your back perpendicular to the ground, activate your abdominals to bring your feet to the bar
Plank Progression
Start incorporating these exercises into your routine two to three times per week. Always do the accessory abdominal exercises like toes to bars or extended planks before jumping into your normal plank workout.
5. Workouts to Improve Your Two-Mile Run

Maxing the 2-mile run requires a 13:22 pace, but that time is a lot harder to hit after you’ve done heavy deadlifts, push ups, and the sled-drag-carry. So, we really need to shoot for a sub 13 minute 2-mile run when fresh.
Tempo Runs
- Workout: 10min jogging warm up, 25 minutes @ RPE 8 (Hard), 10min jogging cooldown
Goal Pace Intervals

- Workout: 6-8 intervals of 400 meters at goal pace, with 1-2 minutes rest between intervals
- Technique: Run each interval at the pace you aim to achieve in the two-mile run. Focus on maintaining consistent speed throughout each interval. The rest period is for recovery, allowing your heart rate to lower before the next interval.
Running Progression
For improving your two-mile run, incorporate the tempo run and goal pace intervals into your weekly training schedule. Begin with shorter intervals (like 400 meters) and gradually increase the distance of these intervals 800m.
You can check out my running program for special forces, and do the interval, tempo, and zone 2 running progression.
6. Workouts to Improve the Standing Power Throw for the ACFT
Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are a fantastic exercise for developing the hip drive and explosive power necessary for the Standing Power Throw.
- Workout: 4 sets x 12-15 reps
- Technique: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the kettlebell with both hands. Hinge at the hips and swing the kettlebell between your legs, then explosively drive your hips forward to swing the kettlebell to shoulder level. Keep your arms relaxed and use your hips to generate power.
Barbell Push Press
The barbell push press is another explosive exercise. Choose a weight a big heavier than you would do with a standing overhead press for this.
- Workout: 4 sets x 6-8 reps
- Technique: Start with the barbell at shoulder level, gripping it slightly wider than shoulder width. Dip your knees slightly, then explosively extend your legs while pressing the barbell overhead. Lock out your arms at the top and then lower the barbell back to the starting position.
Standing Power Throw Progression
The Standing Power Throw is a test of max power, but it is important to note it is not correlated with success at Special Forces Assessment and Selection. I suggest focusing on building the necessary strength and power through heavy compound exercises and then practicing the power throw in the weeks leading up to your ACFT to ensure you’re peaked appropriately.
Final Thoughts
It’s never too early to start preparing for the new ACFT standards coming in 2024. Focusing on the big compound movements, building a base of aerobic capacity, and using ACFT-specific workouts like the ones mentioned above will help you max the ACFT standards with ease.